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Random Thoughts *Choose*

Yes, I am FINALLY done with this page! Thanks for waiting!

I am so sorry it took me so long...Quizilla and my hotmail had some disagreements so I couldn't get the quiz set up until a couple days ago...but back to the beginning...my sister was watching TV and the characters were playing a game where you had to choose one or other. You couldn't say...no...i don't want to do either...You HAVE to pick one. So I brought it up on bus trips and pretty much everyone has played it with me. So here are some of our questions.
CHOOSE: Be the skinniest person in the world but always be hungry...or be the fattest person in the world and have enough food to eat whenever you want?
CHOOSE: Live in a coma for 10 years or have someone pull the plug?
CHOOSE: Shoot your friend in the leg or shoot yourself in the leg?
CHOOSE:Be extremely popular but hate yourself or be extremely unpopular but love yourself?
CHOOSE: Be depressing or so happy and hyper you're scary?
CHOOSE: Pick your friends nose or drink their spit?
CHOOSE: The scary stunt on Fear Factor or the one where you have to eat something gross?
CHOOSE: Go gothic or totally preppy?
CHOOSE: Dye your hair bright green or shave it off?
CHOOSE: Finding out your crush hates your guts or never bothering to find out what they think at all?
CHOOSE: Be in a band that everyone hates but is famous or be in a band that no one ever hears of?
CHOOSE: Watch your friend go hungry or give them your food so YOU go hungry?
CHOOSE: Having a bunch of boyfriends/girlfriends that you regret having or never having one?
CHOOSE: Would you rather be deaf or blind?

And for you quiz addicts i have 2 quizzes where you play choose to see which one of my friends you are like.

Girl Version

Guys Version