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Random Thoughts *careers*

And YOU thought high school was all fun and games.... 

     I was filling out my sophomore classes the other day when I thought of this topic. Sophomores really get the crappy end of highschool. You can't take anything that will matter. We didn't worry about that this year, we're freshmen, nothing we do will matter right?

    Knowing my luck, I will be turned down for my first choice college because I took band this year instead of advanced placement science. There are too many geniuses out in the world to give us normal people a fair shot. I'm mean, I'm smart, but not THAT smart.

     Isn't this crazy? I'm 15 and worrying about college. And I'm not the only one. A friend of mine has planned his math classes up to his junior summer and his senior year. He's got his whole life set because he knows exactly what he wants to be.

We took this stupid test on what we should look at for careers. My results were "Medicine and Science" when "Children" were way at the bottom. I like kids, but this test said I should stay away from them. Maybe they think I'll go all psycho or something on them. I don't know. And I have always said that I'm NEVER gonna be a nurse because I can't even visit people in hospitals. Well, I thought, what the hell, I clicked on my thingy and I got a whole list of Medicine + Science careers.

One of them was forensic scientist, like CSI. Almost everyone wanted to get it, I actually don't think it's that cool. I mean, I love CSI, but in real life I would get sick of how seriously twisted up people can be. The second one I clicked on was Medical Scientist. Sounds cool enough. I don't have to like do too much with actual patients unless I want too.

Some of the "careers" were stupid. Like one of my friends got modeling. So what kind of classes do you take to be a model? Does it tell you you should drop out of school? That's stupid. An internet test is not going to tell you if you're model material. What if you're really ugly and they tell you that??

Well that is all I have to say on that subject....I know this kind of sucks for a Random Thought, but I'm working on another one so it's all good.



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